Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Puppet Fest!

Every year Creative Ministries travels to at least one of the festivals that One Way Street Puts on. It's a weekend of workshops and competitions all centered around ministry. It can pretty much put you on a spiritual high, besides just getting you excited about puppets, and miming, and ventriloquism etc.
We jammed all of us into a suite and adjoining room. It was one of the smallest suites I've ever stayed in. Poor Ricardo had to sleep wedged in the kitchen. The three of us shared this bed.

Mr. P is always stuck behind the camera.

For the signing number we decided to put on faces. It takes a long time but it really helps with the effect. However one of the judges didn't appreciate them... Don't get me started on the judges.


Performance for the competition. We got silver. Don't get me started on that either. I know I'm partial but honestly, in my defense other teams were telling us they judged us badly.

They like to ask questions about the performance and since I taught I got to be the one to go up front and talk about it. So exciting I know....

1 comment:

Surfs Up said...

Where was the Puppet Weekend? It looks like you are getting used to being a star on the silver screen!