Friday, December 29, 2006

Ho Ho Ho

If this doesn't make you laugh then there's something wrong with you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Fat Guy Made It!

Well Christmas finally came to our house. I'd have to say it's one of the best we've ever had.

What is Christmas without pajamas? Our family also has a tradition of getting Bibles. This is no ordinary Bible though. It's side-by-side spanish and english. I LOVE IT! I can even read some of the spanish now! So exciting!

Jaclyn gave me Crocs!!!! I laugh at myself I do. I remember when I first saw them back in highschool when they first came out. This guy had them in bright yellow and we all made fun of them and told him they were the ugliest things. I remember thinking I didn't know how anybody could like them. Since then I've apparently changed my mind. And of course I have to get them in a bright color. I love this color lately. Sad to say I own quite a bit of it. We don't know what's wrong with me.

I like to make myself look stupid. What can I say? But I had to keep with tradition and take a worm picture in my new sleeping bag. I was so excited. I've needed one for so long. and it's RED! Another very favorite color. Can you tell?

Ryan hit and absolute Jack Pot with his presents to Jaclyn. See how happy she is?! But Dad took the cake. Just in case you don't realize it he's laying on a dog bed. It's really just a big pillow that he can lay on, (Pillows would have to be in his top three favorite things in the world) but the sad truth is that it does happen to be a dog bed. Hey it was on his list! The other thing is a brand new BB gun. Let me just say, aside from the pumping part it is way too much fun.

Stayed tuned there's much more to come. Christmas only just started. I happen to know there's more pictures out there floating around. Like target practice for instance.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Chef Extraordinaire

While most of you are most likely mourning the loss of Christmas and the fact that all your presents are open I still happen to have Christmas ahead of me. Since Jaclyn didn't get home until today We've pushed it back until tomorrow with Christmas dinner on Thursday and family coming Friday. In other words we've decided to party all week.

Last year I got in a cookie baking frenzy, this year it's just a frenzy. I've spent the last two evenings baking. I wonder at times why my family lets me do these things. It's amazing to me I haven't killed myself. You think I'm kidding! For instance, I picked up a pot off the stove and went to pour out it's contents. To help myself with this task I grabbed the bottom of the pot...let me remind you I had just taken it off of the stove.

Poor Dad tried to enter the kitchen but left covered in broken up candy cane. I had been smashing it for a recipe and am still finding it attached to my clothes and on kitchen appliances. Add the flour and sugar and nuts and you might as well eat the kitchen floor. I can't help that I'm a messy cook.

Speaking of mess I was reminded why I hate making fudge. flour in your hair is one thing but marshmallows are entirely too much.

But to make a long and messy story short, on today's menu we have: peanut butter fudge, white chocolate mint candy, granola bar thingys, butterscotch cookies, Chex mix, and sherbet all awaiting your fattening. Come back Thursday for Christmas dinner topped with Heath Bar Cake.

Goodness... I'm going to have to waddle back to school. Thank goodness for company.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Present

It's now officially been about a week since I got home. I'm still coughing my head off which is driving me nuts... But other then that, it's been fairly relaxing. Haven't spent an entire day doing nothing yet but that really is a good thing. I've done tons of shopping. Been to every mall within a 45 minute radius (that would be three) and then some free standing stores and an outlet mall. I love shopping during Christmas even though I despise shopping in general. Everybody is so much more happy. Ok maybe some are rather greedy. But the kids! The kids are great. "Can I see santa? I want this for Christmas, and this, and this and this! Can we open presents tonight? just one? pullleeeze?" (ok maybe the last one was me)

Last weekend Mom, Dad, and I went to New Bern. It's like a small Williamsburg, complete with a palace. They put on quite the Christmas show Saturday night. There's Senora Bella that does stunts (like juggling fire on a slack rope) and carol singers and fife and drums and ball room/country dancing! Did I mention the endless cider and ginger cookies? (definately not sick for that part) And then the governors wife and cook get in a fight in the palace. (ooops I wasn't supposed to say anything.) For the record the cook should have won. Rich pushy people...

We'll come back to that...

The lovely vistors center which I know you all wish to see. (Ok so maybe just the sign) But I'm in it so it's definately worth the viewing.

mmm Hershey's... Why am I sick again? Let's pretend I'm not.

This is the view from our hotel room balcony. Lucky huh?

Apparently the pigeons like it too because they had church there Sunday morning. This is about half of them.

Back to the Palace (much prettier on the inside). The final event was fireworks, complete with the governor trying to sing carols that he didn't know. Rather funny really. Before the show a poor lady next to me became quite distraught because we were sitting on some stairs and there were people in front of her standing, "blocking the view." Perhaps where she comes from fireworks don't make it to the sky.

All things considered it was quite a nice weekend. Most Christmas fun I've had yet!

Today Dad and I went to the history museum. One of the workers there I guess was bored and wanted to talk. In fact he wouldn't let me go. Our main topic of conversation was College. He gave me the impression that he'd like to go but had never been. But one thing will always stick in my mind. He asked me "are you a Christian?" When I told him that I was he said, "I knew you were! You have that glow." I've always heard that if I'm a Christian I am supposed to have one but always thought that was something people just said. Either way it made me feel kinda special...and very aware of my face. So much so that I think I completely lost the rest of the conversation. Am I glowing now? How about now? What do I look like when I'm glowing exactly?

Hopefully nothing like this. Anyway... Until next time, Merry Christmas Ya'll!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Still Holding Strong

So you remember how I am the champion of Rabbit Rabbit? Well I would like to add that yes, I still currently am.

One gentleman took my challenge seriously and formed The Supreme Order of the Rabbit Regime for Organized Warfare" (or something like that) abbreviated to The Regime or SORROW. Since then we've taken this game to a whole new level. The Regime (who is definaletly losing due to what he calls cell phone trouble) has made himself into a facious dictator and even has a MySpace dedicated to his rule.

I know we're weird but if this is what it takes to win then so be it. Anybody else want to join? Next step is to turn a whole country against me I guess. This means an awful lot of sleepless 1st day of the months.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Back from the dead...hopefully

Lucky for you this blog will not contain any pictures. My flu face is not Kodak approved.

I've been sick then not sick then sick again since before Thanksgiving. Well this Tuesday afternoon I started to get a cough that just got worse and worse. I was sitting in Barnes and Nobles studying for and oral exam in spanish when suddenly the flu hit me like a tun of bricks. Forget studying. I barely made it driving home and got right in to bed. If I thought the pain and agony was bad then I didn't know what I was getting into.

Wednesday I took the morning off but studied for the exam and made it down to Miller to take it. My professor said I did rather well so guess that's good. Even made it to Government to take the quiz (which my professor refused to touch...). After which I came back and died. I'll spare you all the horrible details.

Thursday the same thing.. Ok in the morning but about 2 I started to get achy again. by five I was out. at 7 I took my temp and it was at 102.4. I called Jaclyn at work, luckily she was heading home. She came and took me to her house. By now I was at 103. I cannot explain to you how much I wanted a bullet in the head. I couldn't even breath.

So to make matters better my mother and my sister concocted a "new" form of torture called a hot and cold half bath to get my temp down. Let me explain. Since Jaclyn's hot water doesn't get hot enough she boiled pot after pot of water and threw it in the tub with me until I broke out in a sweat. Personally I think this is revenge left over from childhood. I don't understand. I wasn't THAT bratty of a little sister.

Ok ok, so maybe it was a neccessary evil but I think I'd almost rather just live with the temp cause it only took it down two degrees after which it promptly shot back up again. All that for nothing.

Finally sometime Friday afternoon my fever broke. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Oh the difference a few degrees in body temperature can make. I still feel pretty awful but it isn't THAT.

So maybe tomorrow i will enter the world again. Can't say that I've missed it. All that awaits me is five finals...come to think of it I'll probably want another bullet in the head come monday morning. Guess you can't win.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas Under Construction

Desmond was the precher for SMC this weekend so last minute (as in friday afternoon at 3) I made the decission to have everybody over to my sisters house. Yes I asked first!!! Here we all are devouring my amazing cooking. No signs of food poisoning yet. And for the record, if there is, it's Grace's fault.

After lunch we decided to go for a walk, but being the adults we were we (desmond really) started a game of tag.

It was rather treacherous because we weren't just playing on an open field. No, we tackled the imagination station. The picture on the right is of everybody sitting on the bouncy train that didn't bounce. Since it was hard to get to, we thought we were pretty smart. In the end, Jason came after us and we did the domino effect falling through the tires. Luckily I was in the middle and just passed my "it" to the next domino that I was on top of. Worked really nicely actually. My body might tell you otherwise.

Grace never seemed to be "it" so she took some time for gymnastics. When she finally got tagged though, she went for the boys. You can see she cornered them nicely.

One poor kid, that wasn't a member of our party, snapped his shin in half jumping off the railing. You think I'm kidding. It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Legs weren't mad to make an L shape anywhere but the knee.

We'll skip Saturday night and go straight to Sunday night. Dorm openhouse. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the mistletoe up in time for all the guys, but we managed. Even Waddlesworth got festive. 100 points (yes 100 points grant, not that you read this) to the first person to guess what I used for a tree skirt. (Jaclyn, you don't count)

Speaking of trees, I was thinking about this tradition during vespers Friday night. Who thinks up this idea to drag a tree INSIDE. Trees are outdoor pets! And honestly they really don't accent the rug. Then we give it a skirt, add jewelry (gotta be an SDA who thought that one up.) and add fire hazards. When I mentioned these thoughts to a smart Korean friend of mine, she told me a tad of it's actually history so I looked it up. If what I was imagining was odd, I wasn't even at second base. The first tree owners hung them upside down. Definately accents a SPOT on the rug. And then they added candles! This is called an upside down bonfire. Anyway, just a few thoughts on O Tannenbaum.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, speaking of fire, did I mention we had a fire drill (for the second time today. The first one being at 1 am) during the middle of open house?

Since our room wasn't extremely decorated we resorted to more creative measures. Last year I started a tradition of writing a story on our mirror, one word at a time. Well everybody that entered our room was ordered to comply. We actually had people telling other people to go to "the mirror story room." It's great to be famous. Anyway, here's what we ended up with...

Unfortunately days after her kidneys imploded, unsightly rashes devoured some delectable deodorized warts, crashing upon partially hydrogenated desperados. Hotties united their disorders to define what tater tots would do a dance if splattered into a big bug, but terrorists and snowmen all danced over the roof top with ducks who moo.

Gross huh? You should see some of our other ones. We even have done them in poetry. Currently we are working on one that has to go down the alphabet. I'm unsure of the subject really but we'll say that it has something to do with kangaroos in love with newts having quintuplets, and oh their's some jesuits somewhere in there too. Crazy Christmas people.

We'll close with some priceless candids or me and my crazy American (she only looks Taiwanese) roomio.