Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where I Wanna Be

Another great weekend. All Saturday of it. :) Well ok so I got to shopping on Friday which was good. Except for the sitting in traffic on a hill with a stick. Anyway. Saturday morning Tanya and I went to breakfast at Jaclyn's. Carrie came down for the weekend which made it all the more exciting.

Sabbath afternoon the social work club (led by our fearless leader Grace) went to a homeless shelter to help out. I promise I worked hard despite appearances.

See... Told you. Scrubing walls. It felt good to actually see the dirt coming off, even though it's gonna be just as bad tomorrow. Or so they tell me.

And here's the gang!

That evening my highschool buddies all decided to get together. It had been awhile since the last reunion. Eight of us total. My car also got to make it's first appearance to my friends. The guys in the group are quite car crazy. Bobby walked up to it said "nice car... pop the hood." And so I did.

Then we finally hit the road! Windows down.. music blaring... laughin our heads off. I love these people. They are the absolute greatest!

See what I mean?

Desmond and Bobby were trying to be cool and pop their collars so Caleb tried to fit in with his napkins...

Later we ended up down town (where I had to parallel park..yuk) Then got rained out and went to see cars at the 2 dollar theater. Actually very good. Only to be made better by the tradition of the huge popcorn bucket getting passed around and laughing because Katie is laughing so hard. Did I mention I love my friends?

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Long Awaited...Finally Here

First of all my apologies to those of you that have been awaiting these pictures. It's been on of those crazy weeks and then when I got to the weekend I didn't want to do anything but sit and stare at the ceiling. When I finally got around to doing this blogger decided it didn't like me and wouldn't let me post so we're going to try again.

On the way to the DMV. I wasn't extremely excited and we were sitting in traffic... stopped. And I had reason to be worried. That written test was crazy. Who makes up the questions? Oh yes and I stalled twice on the driving test. But I started on a hill quite nicely. Murphey is also quite interesting. No lines really just waiting for them to stop talking about the horse they just sold, and everybody knows everybody.

Now I'm happy cause I can actually drive my car!!! Got to say it's one of the easiest sticks I've ever driven. I got in and knew it right away. Haven't gotten past the stage where the engine noises don't bother me but we're getting there.

I love the car. I really do. Come find me and I'll give you a ride.

PS: More pictures when I can actually get the thing washed and presentable.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bad Luck With Fire Alarms

4:45 am the phone pierces through my dreaming. I had only been asleep since 1 because of back problems so I wasn't happy. It didn't help that it rang twice then quit. Five minutes later it went off again, this time three rings and I almost made it. I was highly annoyed though not nearly as much as Tanya. She grabbed the phone from my hand and threw it down on her bed so she would be sure to catch it THIS time. This didn't satisfy her however, because as soon as I layed back down in bed my world began to shake as she flipped in anger, grabbed the phone, and began dismembering it, growling as she did so. With another crash she slammed it back onto her bed tray. Now becoming quickly awake from all of the explosions above my head I thought to myself, I wonder if there is a problem, maybe I should turn on my cell, but I didn't.

Two minutes later there is a knock at the door. Terror struck me. There must be something wrong. Who would be this persistent at 5 in the morning. I opened the door and blinked into the light. CAMPUS SAFETY! At this point I'm thinking, They wouldn't be the ones to tell us if something was wrong... Oh no we're gonna get arrested. Tanya what'd you do cause I didn't do a thing.

Apparently our fire alarm was malfunctioning and trying to set off the whole system. The guy explained that he knew this was a pain, but he felt he should spare us the embarrassment of evacuating the whole dorm. Embarrassment? Who's embarrassed? We weren't smoking. As we later discussed Tanya's breath was a bit foggy but I hadn't died and she was sure breathing it, so how was this our fault?

For close to 30 minutes they came in and out of our room trying to fix the problem. Seems to be working just fine now. And it sure better be.

Tanya later told me that if they had called back she was planning on using some wordy dirds. You know she was ticked cause that NEVER happens. All I can say is thank goodness she was mad enough to kill the phone cause then maybe we would have been arrested!

Friday, September 08, 2006


I just wanted to say really quickly that for those of you who think I am a cruel roommate, maybe I'm not so bad. You see we had another fire drill. This time I stood around waiting for her. I waited, and waited, and waited. If it hadn't been a drill I would have been a pillar of charcoal. But no, she took her everlovin time getting out and making sure that everything was absolutely perfect. I don't see how that is being so aware of MY safety. So you see, it goes both ways here. No more pittying Tanya because I too, have now become a victim.

Meet Prince Charming

Dad told me Sunday that he was looking at three cars which seemed promising. Monday afternoon I got a call from him during Spanish. So when class was over I returned it. Turns out he was about to go in and bargain for a 98 Nissan Sentra. All of Government class my mind was on the car. Forget the constitution! About and hour later came THE call. He had bought it. My life hasn't been the same since.

About the time I had sat crunching numbers for an hour trying to make things fit in the best way possible, I decided a new that growing up can be painful. I've spent much of the week on the phone with Dad working things out, or looking up things on the internet, or calling the bank etc. And poor Dad has done absolutely nothing else but this car.

Now that things are falling into place I have settled down to be really excited about it. I had gotten to the point where I wasn't sure if I was going to get a car and I had turned down some cheap options. But I guess God had the right car in mind for me. It's almost exactly perfect. I wanted a honda, nissan, or toyota. It's a nissan. I really wanted manual trasmission and it is. (you can't really find manual much since nobody wants to drive them anymore) I wanted low miles and a fairly cheap price, it is. I wanted a good history, it has one. Add the extra bonus of being red (my favorite color) and containing a CD player... I couldn't be more happy.

It's going to be here tomorrow! I can hardly wait. I've waited for this for so long and I can hardly believe that it's finally happening!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Weekender

Jaclyn left me this weekend for her boyfriend. Imagine that! However it turned out to be quite a busy Sabbath even though it didn't get off to a very fast start.

The comforters were somehow lost in the rush to get here so Tanya has been making due. Don't know why she doesn't just GET IN but hey, who am I to tell her what to do.

Grace and I went to Lula Falls with about 30 other people from southern. It turned out to be quite gorgeous as you can see.

This is up above the falls. Unfortunately it was quite dry so they weren't as full as usual. Still a great view.

Paulette, Grace, Me, and Diana. (nope not Danielle even though it looks just like her.) Paulete had already taken a plunge and Grace and I were eyeing the cold water. In the end I decided to stay dry. How unadveturous I know but I got my adventure in climbing back up the 60 ft wall.

I decided to try highlighting my hair again. Tanya enjoyed laughing at me very much. I had the usual troubles. I was supposed to leave the stuff on for 1 hour but at 15 minutes Tanya pointed out that my hair was VERY blonde and indeed it sure was. So I hit the panic button and got it all off. I think I could have left it on a little longer but really I like it a lot. It lightened the whole thing but looks very natural. I tried to take and "after" picture but you couldn't really tell so I guess you'll just have to see me in person.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Battle Scarred But Still On Top

First of all I'd like to say thank you to all of my "friends" who took no pity but just laughed at the afore written blog. Why I tell you these things I know not. But however I'm glad I could be of some service. Waddlesworth thanks you for your concern, but yes Dave, he's doing just fine.

Just in case you wanted to know, my first week was horrific. I'm already behind, partly my fault... Spanish is killing me most of all. The schedule is driving me nuts. Long, long days. Not to mention the fact that I'm still looking at my schedule 83 times an hour to make sure I'm in the right place at the right time. AND if I only had a brain! The 5-6 hours of sleep I've been getting are not enough. Next week will hopefully be different.

But now to the real reason for this blog. I just need to let you know that I currently hold the title for Rabbit Rabbit Champion...and I shall add "of the world" because we all know it's true. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, I pity you for rabbit rabbit was the best game ever invented. Basically the idea is that whoever says "rabbit rabbit" first on the first day of the month (i.e. September 1st etc) wins. I have gone a bit hard core with this game and let me just says its getting a little nasty. We're all pulling the 12 o'clocks and even forming alliances. For the record alliances may not be the best idea yet (at least not against Tanya) because being beaten in the head with your own pillow at 12 am isn't exactly charming. However I have won the battle AND this months war and I issue an invitation to any rabbit rabbiters that wish to take me on. Be prepared to play dirty or suffer the consequences. I'm not afraid of battle scars.