Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dean Stephanie, the Three Guinea Pigs, and the Trip of the Tunnels.

Saturday I decided I'd take some girls hiking so they could get out of the dorm. Three were brave enough to come along. Seeing as I have never really driven around these parts I am slowly trying to remember where everything is. So I told them that they were all guinea pigs because I they had to go through me driving all over the place trying to remember.

We hit the Blueridge Parkway eventually and pretty much had more fun in the car then actually hiking. There are tons of tunnels and the girls absolutely could not make it through any of them holding their breath the entire way.

We stopped at Mt. Pisgah (the actual mountain) and took a random path that turned out to take us to the top of a tunnel so we sat and waved at people. It was rather fun.

Mandy wanted to find this place where she knew we could go swimming and it took us a good half hour to find it... Ken Coonley was there with his Grandson and son-in-law too. The girls took a very quick plunge because it was extremely cold. The outside air wasn't even that warm either.

So anyway, that was the trip in short. Next time I'll know a few good places to go...and maybe I'll have to learn to drive the shuttle on the parkway... wooohooo.

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Tanya said...
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