Sunday, September 16, 2007

Two can play this game!

A couple weekends ago I took a trip to Collegedale only to return and find that my house had been decorated in bright neon signs. To explain, a coupld of the RA's had shown me and Dean Sharon a video on YouTube that well, neither of us liked much and so every time they see it they quote it just to annoy me. The main quote being "what what." So anyway, since they are all gone on break I got them back...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i LOVE it!!! SO very classic... but not quite as good as Tara soaking and freezing the girls' underwear... oh, you weren't there for that! Dean Tara went in all the girls' rooms (the ones that had been bugging her... luckily, for once, not me...), took all their underwear and froze them into BRICKS and then quite pleasantly handed them back.
i don't think i've ever heard such squeals of indignation... *grin*