Sunday, September 16, 2007

Destination...Bible Conference

This Wednesday started September Break and also, for a few of us, Bible Conference at Indian Creek Camp in TN.
We took 13 kids. Most of them were pastors of a class or SA etc.
Moving in... The cabins there are almost too nice. The outside looks like a house.
Joy and Katie attacked me while I was trying to get some sleep. Didn't think one hour time difference would make such a difference but I was exhausted. Ok well the fact that the girls were up talking and laughing into all hours of the nigtht might also have had something to do with it. But they were having fun so I learned to sleep through it.

I'd forgotten how much highschool girls primp! They spent SO much time in here it was amazing.
All dressed up Sabbath morning. Please excuse some of those out of dress code. They were noticed rather quickly during picture taking and dealt with. If there is one thing I HATE about my job, that's it. The girls seemed to think that since they were on a trip normal dress code did not apply. I spent a good part of every day and a lot of energy on that. Makes me grumpy. It also didn't help that some of these schools obviously have NO dress code. There were girls running around in pretty much nothing.

Church... Our speaker was Carl Wilkins. He was, I believe, the only American to stay in Rwanda during the masacre. He told some pretty terrible storries. From what he says the movie was pretty correct. He knew some of those people that were in the movie and was in the hotel the day before it was stormed I think.

This place was gorgeous. Especially the lake. I wish I could have take pictures of it when we went cliff jumping but I didn't trust taking my camera in a canoe. Turned out I was smart.

Taking pictures before heading home.


Surfs Up said...

It looks like you had fun at ICC. I went to that same Dam from your last 2 pictures when I worked there 4 summers ago. I want to go see the camp again sometime this year with Carrie.

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun. Wonder if one day you will work at an academy as a full time job?
