Friday, September 01, 2006

Battle Scarred But Still On Top

First of all I'd like to say thank you to all of my "friends" who took no pity but just laughed at the afore written blog. Why I tell you these things I know not. But however I'm glad I could be of some service. Waddlesworth thanks you for your concern, but yes Dave, he's doing just fine.

Just in case you wanted to know, my first week was horrific. I'm already behind, partly my fault... Spanish is killing me most of all. The schedule is driving me nuts. Long, long days. Not to mention the fact that I'm still looking at my schedule 83 times an hour to make sure I'm in the right place at the right time. AND if I only had a brain! The 5-6 hours of sleep I've been getting are not enough. Next week will hopefully be different.

But now to the real reason for this blog. I just need to let you know that I currently hold the title for Rabbit Rabbit Champion...and I shall add "of the world" because we all know it's true. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, I pity you for rabbit rabbit was the best game ever invented. Basically the idea is that whoever says "rabbit rabbit" first on the first day of the month (i.e. September 1st etc) wins. I have gone a bit hard core with this game and let me just says its getting a little nasty. We're all pulling the 12 o'clocks and even forming alliances. For the record alliances may not be the best idea yet (at least not against Tanya) because being beaten in the head with your own pillow at 12 am isn't exactly charming. However I have won the battle AND this months war and I issue an invitation to any rabbit rabbiters that wish to take me on. Be prepared to play dirty or suffer the consequences. I'm not afraid of battle scars.


Carrie said...

How does this work cross-time zone? Because I will always beat you if midnight comes earlier here. So there!

Surfs Up said...

Sorry your classes are hard so far. I never liked Spanish at CA, I'm glad I never had to take it in college! Have a good weekend and I'll see you in a couple days.


Gilligan said...

Hope you find time to nap today with a week like that. btw there will be a new "champion" next month :)

Anonymous said...

Now know this, you who claims the laurels of a "Rabbit Rabbit" champion: Come October 1st, your illegal reign shall come to a most unglorious demise. You have asked for a war and now you shall have it visited upon you. "Cry havoc, and let slip the rabbits of war!" - The Supreme Order of the Rabbit Regime for Organized Warfare.

golftooter said...

What are you doing on the computer at 4:49 am? No wonder you don't get enough sleep.