Friday, September 08, 2006

Meet Prince Charming

Dad told me Sunday that he was looking at three cars which seemed promising. Monday afternoon I got a call from him during Spanish. So when class was over I returned it. Turns out he was about to go in and bargain for a 98 Nissan Sentra. All of Government class my mind was on the car. Forget the constitution! About and hour later came THE call. He had bought it. My life hasn't been the same since.

About the time I had sat crunching numbers for an hour trying to make things fit in the best way possible, I decided a new that growing up can be painful. I've spent much of the week on the phone with Dad working things out, or looking up things on the internet, or calling the bank etc. And poor Dad has done absolutely nothing else but this car.

Now that things are falling into place I have settled down to be really excited about it. I had gotten to the point where I wasn't sure if I was going to get a car and I had turned down some cheap options. But I guess God had the right car in mind for me. It's almost exactly perfect. I wanted a honda, nissan, or toyota. It's a nissan. I really wanted manual trasmission and it is. (you can't really find manual much since nobody wants to drive them anymore) I wanted low miles and a fairly cheap price, it is. I wanted a good history, it has one. Add the extra bonus of being red (my favorite color) and containing a CD player... I couldn't be more happy.

It's going to be here tomorrow! I can hardly wait. I've waited for this for so long and I can hardly believe that it's finally happening!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new wheels, Steph! Post a pic of you in it when you get it,k?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Getting your very own car is exciting - you'd fit right in over here cause you're hard pressed to find an automatic...all the Brits drive manuals!

whisperer said...

I had no idea this car was such a big deal. I would have teased you and told you Gregg stripped out the gears driving it over or something.:) Cheri

golftooter said...

maybe I did.... I'll never tell.