Monday, September 11, 2006

Bad Luck With Fire Alarms

4:45 am the phone pierces through my dreaming. I had only been asleep since 1 because of back problems so I wasn't happy. It didn't help that it rang twice then quit. Five minutes later it went off again, this time three rings and I almost made it. I was highly annoyed though not nearly as much as Tanya. She grabbed the phone from my hand and threw it down on her bed so she would be sure to catch it THIS time. This didn't satisfy her however, because as soon as I layed back down in bed my world began to shake as she flipped in anger, grabbed the phone, and began dismembering it, growling as she did so. With another crash she slammed it back onto her bed tray. Now becoming quickly awake from all of the explosions above my head I thought to myself, I wonder if there is a problem, maybe I should turn on my cell, but I didn't.

Two minutes later there is a knock at the door. Terror struck me. There must be something wrong. Who would be this persistent at 5 in the morning. I opened the door and blinked into the light. CAMPUS SAFETY! At this point I'm thinking, They wouldn't be the ones to tell us if something was wrong... Oh no we're gonna get arrested. Tanya what'd you do cause I didn't do a thing.

Apparently our fire alarm was malfunctioning and trying to set off the whole system. The guy explained that he knew this was a pain, but he felt he should spare us the embarrassment of evacuating the whole dorm. Embarrassment? Who's embarrassed? We weren't smoking. As we later discussed Tanya's breath was a bit foggy but I hadn't died and she was sure breathing it, so how was this our fault?

For close to 30 minutes they came in and out of our room trying to fix the problem. Seems to be working just fine now. And it sure better be.

Tanya later told me that if they had called back she was planning on using some wordy dirds. You know she was ticked cause that NEVER happens. All I can say is thank goodness she was mad enough to kill the phone cause then maybe we would have been arrested!


Ryan and Jaclyn said...

Could you life be any more crazy? I think the fire alarm system is out to get you...

Gilligan said...
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Gilligan said...

all this and you still passed your driving test...super human i say