Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas Under Construction

Desmond was the precher for SMC this weekend so last minute (as in friday afternoon at 3) I made the decission to have everybody over to my sisters house. Yes I asked first!!! Here we all are devouring my amazing cooking. No signs of food poisoning yet. And for the record, if there is, it's Grace's fault.

After lunch we decided to go for a walk, but being the adults we were we (desmond really) started a game of tag.

It was rather treacherous because we weren't just playing on an open field. No, we tackled the imagination station. The picture on the right is of everybody sitting on the bouncy train that didn't bounce. Since it was hard to get to, we thought we were pretty smart. In the end, Jason came after us and we did the domino effect falling through the tires. Luckily I was in the middle and just passed my "it" to the next domino that I was on top of. Worked really nicely actually. My body might tell you otherwise.

Grace never seemed to be "it" so she took some time for gymnastics. When she finally got tagged though, she went for the boys. You can see she cornered them nicely.

One poor kid, that wasn't a member of our party, snapped his shin in half jumping off the railing. You think I'm kidding. It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Legs weren't mad to make an L shape anywhere but the knee.

We'll skip Saturday night and go straight to Sunday night. Dorm openhouse. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the mistletoe up in time for all the guys, but we managed. Even Waddlesworth got festive. 100 points (yes 100 points grant, not that you read this) to the first person to guess what I used for a tree skirt. (Jaclyn, you don't count)

Speaking of trees, I was thinking about this tradition during vespers Friday night. Who thinks up this idea to drag a tree INSIDE. Trees are outdoor pets! And honestly they really don't accent the rug. Then we give it a skirt, add jewelry (gotta be an SDA who thought that one up.) and add fire hazards. When I mentioned these thoughts to a smart Korean friend of mine, she told me a tad of it's actually history so I looked it up. If what I was imagining was odd, I wasn't even at second base. The first tree owners hung them upside down. Definately accents a SPOT on the rug. And then they added candles! This is called an upside down bonfire. Anyway, just a few thoughts on O Tannenbaum.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, speaking of fire, did I mention we had a fire drill (for the second time today. The first one being at 1 am) during the middle of open house?

Since our room wasn't extremely decorated we resorted to more creative measures. Last year I started a tradition of writing a story on our mirror, one word at a time. Well everybody that entered our room was ordered to comply. We actually had people telling other people to go to "the mirror story room." It's great to be famous. Anyway, here's what we ended up with...

Unfortunately days after her kidneys imploded, unsightly rashes devoured some delectable deodorized warts, crashing upon partially hydrogenated desperados. Hotties united their disorders to define what tater tots would do a dance if splattered into a big bug, but terrorists and snowmen all danced over the roof top with ducks who moo.

Gross huh? You should see some of our other ones. We even have done them in poetry. Currently we are working on one that has to go down the alphabet. I'm unsure of the subject really but we'll say that it has something to do with kangaroos in love with newts having quintuplets, and oh their's some jesuits somewhere in there too. Crazy Christmas people.

We'll close with some priceless candids or me and my crazy American (she only looks Taiwanese) roomio.


Carrie said...

i have so many comments about your post, i can't begin to start... i'll make grant read your blog so he can try to guess what you used for a tree skirt (btw, is it a red sweatshirt???). i like the "partially hydrogenated" part of your prose. the one you're currently working on is called an acrostic if it's using each letter of the alphabet for each section. there are psalms that are acrostics, but they're in the hebrew alphabet, so nevermind...

Ryan and Jaclyn said...

Only Carrie... if I had a rolling eyes smiley I'd put it :-) Thanks for letting me take part in the dorm Christmas festivites with you! It was fun.

whisperer said...

I like the stories! Thats sort of like Grandma's drawing game we do in church.