Friday, December 08, 2006

Back from the dead...hopefully

Lucky for you this blog will not contain any pictures. My flu face is not Kodak approved.

I've been sick then not sick then sick again since before Thanksgiving. Well this Tuesday afternoon I started to get a cough that just got worse and worse. I was sitting in Barnes and Nobles studying for and oral exam in spanish when suddenly the flu hit me like a tun of bricks. Forget studying. I barely made it driving home and got right in to bed. If I thought the pain and agony was bad then I didn't know what I was getting into.

Wednesday I took the morning off but studied for the exam and made it down to Miller to take it. My professor said I did rather well so guess that's good. Even made it to Government to take the quiz (which my professor refused to touch...). After which I came back and died. I'll spare you all the horrible details.

Thursday the same thing.. Ok in the morning but about 2 I started to get achy again. by five I was out. at 7 I took my temp and it was at 102.4. I called Jaclyn at work, luckily she was heading home. She came and took me to her house. By now I was at 103. I cannot explain to you how much I wanted a bullet in the head. I couldn't even breath.

So to make matters better my mother and my sister concocted a "new" form of torture called a hot and cold half bath to get my temp down. Let me explain. Since Jaclyn's hot water doesn't get hot enough she boiled pot after pot of water and threw it in the tub with me until I broke out in a sweat. Personally I think this is revenge left over from childhood. I don't understand. I wasn't THAT bratty of a little sister.

Ok ok, so maybe it was a neccessary evil but I think I'd almost rather just live with the temp cause it only took it down two degrees after which it promptly shot back up again. All that for nothing.

Finally sometime Friday afternoon my fever broke. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Oh the difference a few degrees in body temperature can make. I still feel pretty awful but it isn't THAT.

So maybe tomorrow i will enter the world again. Can't say that I've missed it. All that awaits me is five finals...come to think of it I'll probably want another bullet in the head come monday morning. Guess you can't win.


Carrie said...

Boy am I glad I didn't let you breathe on me when you hugged me goodbye! Although, I feel half dead myself today.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been so sick, Steph. Your Mom and Dad called me Friday to wish me a Happy Birthday and told me you were pretty bad. It's nice to have a sister nearby who'll love you and take care of you, even when you're gross and disgusting! hehehe ;o) Hope you're feeling better, cutie.

whisperer said...

Next year-get a flu shot! All God's children need flu shots.

MJ said...

Oh - that sounds most miserable. I'm glad you're on the upswing, even if it's into exam week...there IS light at the end of the tunnel at least! Have a great Christmas.