Thursday, August 24, 2006

Somebody Threw Off My Ritual!

It has occured to me many times that school is nothing more then a ritual. The first few days of the year are always hard because last years ritual is broken and you take on a new one. This year was no different.

Yes some things are still the same. Back rooming with Tanya, life always has some extra pizzaz. Our room looks very much the same. We even have our story started on the mirror. When I was ready for bed last night, I turned off the main light and she journaled, just like we always did last year. Then at 6:45 am the alarm went off. When I was finally awake enough to get up, I stumbled towards the light, and that's when the ritual came crashing to a halt.

Somebody switched the light switches in THIS room so that when I went to turn on the switch by the sink, (just like I always do so as to not give Tanya such a rude awakening) I switched on the main light. Tanya described it this way... "I think you just burned holes in my eyes!" Sorry Tanya but somebody threw of my ritual.

Tanya has given a new edict stating that all meals shall now be eaten in the cafe. You must understand that it has always been that meals were eaten from a take-out somewhere between the cafe and the dorm room. So it was written, so it was done. But no. Today pasta day was competely confusing because I had to figure out how to make the whole sauce on the side thing work without the take-out nicely sectioned. Plates! Who eats on plates? It didn't work, and I had to take some of Tanya's. Oh well. She threw off my ritual.

My schedule is absolutely horrendous this year. Run here, run there. Work for an hour, class for two. Work for two, class for an hour. Not to mention the old smack in the face, "you aren't in 100 level social work classes anymore sophomore!" I'm completely discombobulated which I'm sure my bosses and teachers don't find amusing but, hey! Don't they realize that to get the best me they possible can, they should plan their schedules around me? They threw off my ritual!

Perhaps if I were princely I would go around having my men throw these perpetrators out of windows just like they do in the pictures. Only two problems, I'd rather be princessly and turning into a llama just isn't appealing. So ritual cast off, I plunge into the unknown. New ritual here I come. And maybe, if I'm lucky, it'll turn into a full blown groove.


Tara said...

This has to be the funniest blog entry I've ever read! haha And I LOVE that movie by the way!!! Makes me laugh so hard tears are pouring down my cheeks. :-D

Anonymous said...

Hey Cutie. She's right. This is hilarious! I totally enjoyed reading it. Did you get Waddlesworth out of the dorm with you or did you leave him to his fate?

whisperer said...

I'm just amazed you used the word discombobulated in a sentence! I thought that was a Rilea-ism.