Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to Jaclyn

This year we decided to be extra unsneaky and throw Jaclyn a birthday party over at Kari's. True to tradition we had the normal ice cream pies. Nick and I covered one with 23 candles. Yep she's getting old enough that you are losing the pie in all the fire. Atleast the pie remained the only thing "on fire."

I got to meet another member of the family this time around. I'd always heard of "Dave" seen a few pictures.... but this time I met him face to face. I must say he totally cracks me up. Apparently he's wracked up a great number of "bows," that he must perform before a Canadian flag... or so says Ted Prouty. Dave spent sometime on the phone with Ted trying to get out of them. Finally Kari played mediator and we got somewhere.

Holly bought Jaclyn Uno Attack (or whatever it's called) game. I've gotta say it spices up the old game quite nicely. Jaclyn and I took turns getting Ryan back for Sorry last weekend. I think we both enjoyed it quite a bit. Only problem was Ryan was still on the war path himself. Oh well. For those of you that don't know instead of the usual drawing you have to hit the button on this machine and it may shoot out 10 if it so chooses. David was particularly afraid of it.

We topped the night off with making the guys watch Pride and Prejudice. (another one of Jaclyn's presents.) They didn't mind too much. Should I be worried? :) It's really quite cool to see places on a movie that you've been to. Some parts of that movie I know exactly where they are standing in the house. But anyway, maybe that's just cool to me.

1 comment:

Gilligan said...

yeah 23 candles thought to be trick candles, but i don't think they worked too well. :(