Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Working Birthday...Woohoo 22

Birthday Party #1. Picture stolen from the Heilmans. Sitar with Mom, Mary Jane, and Randy!

Day of, I woke up to this...

And just to make it more like a birthday (please detect the sarcasm dripping from that statement) I spent every spare moment doing this...

Can you see the piles of articles? I was trying to find some form of organization. heh...

But I actually did a slight bit of partying

A bunch of the girls took me to my favorite restaurant PF Changs for a late lunch and were "nice" enough to sing extremely loudly to me while we were there. :)

Sarah made me my very own cake with chocolate and strawberries! But that's Tricia sitting next to me...don't want to confuse. Sarah is far left in the previous picture.

And then Tanya got a hold of the camera and wouldn't stop. Here are three specimens of the 30...Some of them are blurry. Sorry. But they're still kinda funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

College life looks too fun. I never had such great times. If I did I might have stayed longer!You have great friends.