Sunday, February 24, 2008

To Be A "Mom"

~ Last night there was just no time to go to bed. This morning you get to be their alarm clock. Neither of you appreciate the gesture but lets look at the bright side, this is a "growing experience." By this I mean they learn to come up with believable lies and I get to come up with reasons why they are not true. The tears are turned on as "I'm sick and going to die!" exits their mouth. Right...where's my rectal thermometer?

~ If they are awake then you better be awake too; poised and ready for whatever the need of the moment may be. This takes fore knowledge of their habits and if for some reason they decide to deviate; well why didn't you just telepathically know? GET UP!

~ They don't have money for it so you must. After all, it's a known fact that you are rich. Share the wealth! Don't be so selfish.

~ You are the never ending source of information and knowledge. It is expected that you are able to fix everything and anything. If this isn't true you better learn quick. If they need it and you don't seem to have it then you better make it appear with your super powers...or your never ending source of money.

~ Love is expressed through random creations made on anything present. Some may lack all creative genius but no matter. You think they are the most precious things in the world, and yes they will be on your wall portrayed for all the world to see.

~ Any performance they give, you'll be there, no matter what, and you'll be beaming no matter the quality. Only you understand the blood, sweat, and tears, that have been put into this moment. You're so proud you're bursting, and that's just the way it is.

~ If they are sick, they want YOU and they want you to FIX IT!

~ They've lost it, you must find it, and you must find it NOW. Doesn't matter what it is, doesn't matter what time of day it is, now is simply too late. An alien has stolen it, they just know it. Have they looked for it themselves? Of course not. Why would they do that? Or...ok...if they have looked for it, it involved standing in the middle of their room freaking out and passing an eye over everything, maybe even throwing some things around. This is considered looking EVERYWHERE for it.

~ Your body is covered in what you like to call "love bruises." These are from being tackled in a hug or wrestling matches or just any need to be near you. Doesn't matter, these are your prized "shiners."


Anonymous said...

Yeah, your getting the picture without having your own.

MJ said...

Sounds familiar to this mom. What memories. I'm glad you're enjoying "motherhood" - or a sneak preview!

MJ said...

Sounds familiar to this mom. What memories. I'm glad you're enjoying "motherhood" - or a sneak preview!