Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Dean's Prayer

~ A crying girl comes to my office. What family that hasn't abandoned her, decides to show their love through abuse....God give me understanding and wisdom to know what to say. Give her the strength that only you can give.

~ It's five minutes before worship begins and I've had no time to even think about preparing....God help me to know what these girls need to hear. Give me the words that make a difference so that this worship isn't just like all of the others.

~ After a day off I walk back into the dorm to a flood of girls, ready and waiting with hugs and "we missed yous!" ...God thank you for these girls that keep me going no matter what.

~ A tearful staff meeting ends in a student's expulsion....God thank you for this staff and how much they care for these kids. Thank you for being with us today as we made this decision. Please take care of this student as they continue on in life. Don't let them forget the things we've tried to teach him and that you are always there for him.

~ The phone rings and it's two excited girls wanting me to come out and get my car washed for their junior class fund raiser.... God I don't have much money to give but please bless this fund raiser and keep them this excited about life.

~ Substitute teaching and we can't find our books or uniform shirts...God please help me to treat these kids with respect and remember that I was in their place once.

~ 6 am phone call from an upset girl whom I'd written up the night before....God I'm not awake yet and I've only had 5 hours of sleep. Give me a clear mind and the right words to show her that I love her but that what she did was wrong.

~ An afternoon visit to my office to share the latest news on the latest crush...God keep this child's heart from breaking and this smile on her face.

~Driving the big 15 passenger shuttle full of screaming and laughing kids.... God please send a few extra angels to help me drive today.

~ Late night talks in the deans office that turn into pure laughter....God thank your for giving me these girls and the most wonderful job on earth.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie - and we pray for you also, for the strength and wisdom to reach these young people who are hurting so much on the inside. You are doing an excellent job and you know that Prayer is our first and only resource, not some last resort as so many think. You are an excellent writer and I hope that you will keep all these articles you've written and the thoughts that come to you on this journey and someday write a book about how God has lead you and your closest friends in finding Jesus, trusting Him, and showing the world that God still cares for each and everyone. Thank you Steph for letting me and my family be a part of your journey. - Love you, Mrs. Meyer

Anonymous said...

Hey Annie,
I'm glad that you are finding Jesus as your best friend. Praying your way through the day is the only way to live. It gives me peace to know that you are holding on to the One that makes all the difference. I'm praying for you. It is a great feeling to know that God is using you in a meaningful way in someone else's life. There is nothing else like that feeling. A real high.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Powerful deeply meaningful stuff gal. You have your hand and heart in the guts, the very essence, of your girls. God has sent you to MPA, you did good girl. I love you. --Dad

Unknown said...
