Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Apparently I have bad luck. Well I always knew this but... yeah.

Tuesday evening I went to go get my hair cut. It was about shoulder length or a little longer and desperately needing some layers. So I had waited til I could come back home to my hairdresser of 6 years. I told her not to cut much off the bottom, just put some layers in and to keep them fairly long because I wanted to be able to pull my hair back. She said she'd keep it moderate, even showed me how short she would go. After a few snips I was able to look in the mirror and found she had totally lied to me, but there was nothing I could do about it anymore.
Does this look moderate to you? 1 1/2 inches at the neck and I can't get any of it back. *glare* The girls are now calling me Shirley Temple. lovely, just lovely.

In other news, I came home to a clogged kitchen sink. When Sharon opened the counter doors to look at it, the thing exploded all over her. Looks like it was a rigged system in the first place, just waiting to break. After mopping to floor up Rosa started to take the water out when she managed to dump it out again, except this time, all over the living room carpet. So my house is drenched and I have no kitchen at the moment.

And tho I'm sure you'd love to hear more of my misfortunes I'll leave it at that.


Surfs Up said...

Trash, that is some bad luck!!! Sorry about that! It was fun being there at Thanksgiving for a day. I hope your week gets better from here.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

ahh... my relationship with you has come full circle; back to the days of Shirley Temple :) i'm just kidding... miss you!

MJ said...

You DO look like Shirley! Cute. I have missed you but enjoyed catching up with your blog finally this morning. Waking up early isn't all bad I guess.