Monday, August 06, 2007

This Dean's quite busy.

I'm really not sure why I'm taking the time to do this instead of taking a shower but... well I am. You know that just absolutely, brain tired, body aching, exhaustion? I've hit it. There has just been so much to do and so much going on. Sunday I drove all the way to Collegedale, saw as many people as I could, went to a wedding, and drove Ross Knight back so he could be here for RA week. We got back at about 9:30 and at 10 Sharon and I had a dean's meeting for an hour.

Today I've tried to get some things done in the appt. My body wouldn't let me sleep this morning despite how tired I am/was (probably all this moving and changing of beds) so I got up and did a bit more unpacking. Then its been working all day. I got a chance to go grocery shopping tho. We've been having a lot of fun with the RA's. We did an exercise where we split them up into three groups and they had to build paper airplanes to Dean Hector's specifications and the team with the most won. Problem was that there was quality control (Josh and I) who inspected the planes and would rip them up when they weren't absolutely perfect. Ross would just hand his over to me and tell me to rip it up everytime I walked by at the end. :) He knew what was coming. We ended up pullng out some great lessons but I just had a ton of fun with it.

At lunch the Principal took us to lunch at Asiana, one of the best places in the world to eat. Well it was when I could still eat there. :) Julian got on this 23 kick from the movie and we spent the entire time looking for ways to come up with 23 because apparently it's everywhere. They even got the poor waitress involved. It' was pretty hilarious tho. Rick (the principal) got the lucky number 23 on his fortune cookie so they are say that he's all evil yahda yahda. Yes, I'm back in highschool.

Then we got the task of cleaning the dorm. It's in poor shape. I don't think a lot of the girls cleaned before they left last year. Plus all the remodeling going on in the bathrooms, which are fairly new but they were poorly made in the first place. Sad really.

Rosa (my housemate) and I did a little bit of shopping for some house supplies we needed. It's SOOOO expensive so start an appt. I feel like I'm just watching money fly out the window. It's depressing really. One thing I splurged a tad and got was a foam thing for my mattress. They are terrible here, like sleeping on rocks and my back doesn't appreciate it so I needed to get them some help. Plus $20 wasn't a bad price for memory foam I thought. I probably scared Rosa with... well just being me. I can't think straight I'm so tired, which mirrored my driving.

Needless to say, the appt in inching along in any spare moment I have. I so need to have about 3 hours in here but I'm just so busy!!! I haven't even really had time to eat, or the energy to cook, so I'm going on somewhat of a fast. It's been nice actually. I'm sure once this appt is done and stops eating up every spare moment I will get some time to just sit and watch my cable TV that we aquired today. But in the mean time, a bullet in the head would be quite nice.

You know for how busy I am, Tanya posted ablog today in which she explained that she will be teaching 7 different classes plus coaching a volleyball team. Can you imagine? that's 7 different lesson plans, in all subjects, one of them being physical science!!!! They are supposed to have 100 staff and only have 55 I think is what she said. God be with her! If you want to read her blog there's a link to it on the right.

Once I get this place together I'll post pictures. But don't expect them too terribly soon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. A busy camper ye be!

Ryan and Jaclyn said...

I remember feeling like I didn't have any money last summer either from putting my house together and I had more together than you have! All the little hand towels and knives and dish soap add up!