Friday, August 10, 2007

First Appartment

I'M FINALLY DONE! WAHOO! So here's a few pictures of the place. It's not the grandest but I feel rather privaledged.
Grandpa Musgrave made this table with his own two hands. I love it. I've gotten a lot of hand-me-downs from him which has been very nice. I can't thank the Musgraves enough. That microwave I got from them also along with mixing bowls, pots and pans, serving spoons, ladles, silverware...
The couch, two magazine holders beside the couch that you can't see, and the table are all from them also. The entertainment center was in the dorm, along with the TV and cable! To my right is a door that leads to the computer room and into the dorm. Out that front door is the parking lot for the dorm. One thing I love about this place is that closets it has. 6 total, and some of them are pretty large.
The Bathroom... Nothing too special here.
The bedroom. I haven't gotten completely done in here. Behind me is a closet and a dresser... Nothing to exciting. It's been nice to have my old high school bedspread out again. It has two nice windows, so I get a lot of light. It's on the front side near the parking lot so it's a little bit louder but it hasn't bothered me yet. We'll see what happens when the girls actually get here.

The RA's all came to my house for lunch Thursday. They're a great bunch. I'm really learning to love them. I think I'm gonna like this job. Despite the phone calls at crazy hours, this is a great age, immaturity included. Last night they were up til 2 or 5 depending on who you talk to, working on a movie to show the girls the rules. I helped them til about 12 and got so involved that I have a few bruises to show for it. Running into couches on bikes is not a good idea. But anything for them, or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
If the Queen has the Royal Standard, this is the Dean's Standard. I hate this cursed phone and it's only the first week.

So anyway, that's the place. Ya'll come visit yah hear?


Carrie said...

it's funny to see those pictures because even though i lived in that apartment for 1 1/2 years, i didn't really remember what the kitchen looked like (make all the comments about me not cooking that you want). i remember trying to block out the street lights in the parking lot. the window DOES let lots of light in, even at night! good luck with the place - i once got sprayed in the face by the toilet, so watch out!

Surfs Up said...

It looks like a great apartment! That's nice you finally got in. And it sounds like you have lots of good stuff in there. It was good to see you last Sunday.

MJ said...

What a nice first apartment you have! I hope we get to see it sometime this year. And I hope you'll get to see our new "residence" once we get moved and settled in. It's exciting, and overwhelming at the same time. Good luck with that work phone and walkie talkie - I hope it leaves you some time for yourself too. It's a must! Enjoy.

Tanya said...

Wuahaha, MUSGRAVES ROCK!! :) Looks awesome chica, glad you're moved in aight ;-) *raises eyebrows*