Monday, October 30, 2006

Trick or Treat

This weekend fall and the festivities were fully out.

Grace and I took some pictures by the trees at Spalding Elementary.

Pre-Costume party we had tons of fun blowing up fifty billion balloons. I just wanted to sit in them. I was pretty dizzy anyway.

After years of desperate search, I've finally found my man! Only problem is that it looks like I might have a little competition.

Hands down, my favorite costume of the night. Only Caleb...

Doesn't Landon make a wonderful girl?

Well Robert was better... This guy went totally ALL OUT. Tell me his cleavage does not look real. He even went for some major heels AND if I remember correctly, shaved his legs. Honestly, he was just scary. I wanted to run away.

By now you may be wondering what I looked like.. wouldn't you love to know!? I can't get the good pictures off of my phone so... oh well. I was rather scary myself anyway.

Sunday night was SA Fall Festival and this was my station. Pumpkin Carving! I cleaned like 30 of those suckers out and I'd have to say that I got pretty good at it. I am the pumkin carving pumba! Can you find me in that picture?

Grace, me, and Laquina eating some of the AMAZING refreshments. Laquina is having a baked potato. Yeah that was all me. (ok and a few other people) We prepared like 500 of those things that morning. My favorite part was the fresh apple cider. I have never had something so good in my life.


Anonymous said...

So, Senator, your weekend fun extends to the first of this month, eh? You may have won the Rabbit-Rabbit battle, but rest assured, the Regime will win the war.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Stephanie!

We're off to eastern Washington to spend the holiday with Gary's family. Laura is already over there at WWC. She is working over
Thanksgiving break so she stayed there in her off-campus apartment.

Post some photos on your blog of VegeTurkey day, k?

Gilligan said...

30 pumpkins, that should be in the Guinness book of World Records or something :)