Friday, November 28, 2008

Roast Beastyfu 08

Ryan and Jaclyn are at our house for this Holiday.
Event 1: Baseball. Red Sox vs. Braves

The following ensued...

The Red Sox completely and totally dominated... Later in the series the big looser switched his team to the Yankees because he knows his team stinks, and proceeded to dominate the Red Sox. (the game actually bats and fields according to their team standing that year. I mean you have a lot to do with it but if the player can't catch in real life, you have a hard time getting him to do it in the game.)

Then came the park and some frisbee throwing...or chasing the frisbee all over the field, if you want to go for the more truthful description.

And then the frisbee decided to take on other territory, as if the entire field wasn't enough, and ended up in a tree. We intellectuals were trying to think up a way to get it down when I turned around and found Ryan pulling an entire tree out of the ground.

He then proceeded to successfully get the frisbee back. We were proud to know him.

After pizza and a movie, the evening ended with putting together a puzzle while Ryan DJ'd on the computer over dad's stereo system.

Thursday night we put up the tree being that Thanksgiving has "passed" and we can now, AND ONLY NOW, move on to the next holiday.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday's Happenings

Grace has her birthday on tuesday, Desmond's was last Thursday, and Kristen's was today, so we all went out to eat.

Kristen learns how to test a battery with your tongue.

I think we need some more guys in the group eh?

The rest of the day has been spent on my two projects that are due tomorrow.
This is statistical analysis on skittles and kidney beans with Tricia, Lisa, and Katelyn

Tomorrow, Sarah, Missy, and I are doing a presentation on Catholicism and Protestantism so we have turned it into a "presidential" debate.

This is Pope Benedict The Missy
A close up of the crucifix and the lovely hat, that I'm sure they don't call a hat.
We actually start arguing and accusing in this thing. It's rather funny, to us anyway. At one point in the practice I accidentally said that we as protestants did not practice the birthing of babies. Hmmm let's hope I don't slip up like that tomorrow, should have been baptism.

window pictionary

I forgot to post these pictures from last weekend. Tanya and I decided to put make a sabbath meal together since we hadn't all year. She made us sit at the table with napkins and juice too, so since it was such a momentous occasion it was documented.

Indian Haystacks with homemade ranch and mango naked juice.

Then Tanya got the brilliant idea to play pictionary and since we didn't have a whiteboard I suggest the living room window.

It actually worked really well.

The game board

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the night life

I was making my bed when I happened to look at the clock. CRUD! nine minutes to get to the other side of campus and statistics class. How in the world would I manage this? A quick look in the mirror found a monster instead of me. Shower, I need a 9 minutes. This was never going to work. Why hadn't I been looking at the time?! Running into the bathroom I started to hear my sister call my name. Deciding to ignore her I continued to get ready but she wouldn't stop gently calling my name as though she were trying to wake me up. Finally in exasperation I yelled "what!" which was enough to actually, wake me up. glancing at the clock in real time I found that CRUD! I WAS late.

Now tell me how I knew that? Somehow in my sleep I knew I was late, and that I needed to go take a shower. My sister does not obviously live with me but I had it in my head that someone was coming to wake me up since I apparently hadn't set my alarm clock. I think that's crazy weird.

But get this one. The other night, WHILE SLEEPING, I was watching a movie with friends in my dream. I knew that I needed to wake up and that I'd be late if I didn't but I wanted to watch the movie! When my friends commented that I better wake up I told them I would as soon as I got to my favorite scene. So here I am, fast asleep, becoming late, because I wouldn't allow myself to stop watching a movie in my dreams! Luckily Tanya woke up and started moving around, something she rarely does before me, and it was enough to wake me up. I know people who don't get up when the alarm clock goes off but what happens when your sleep makes you keep sleeping!?!

I swear I enter another world at night. It's almost like I have two personalities I just turn one off at night and turn on the other. I solve the day personality's problems, conquer the world, get chased by murderers, become the next 007, make three meals a day, go to class. When trying to put together skits for camp i have come up with some downright amazing ones in my sleep that I obviously couldn't remember when I woke up. It's like I have this creative side that comes out. I remember writing a whole broadway once and it was REALLY good! Now why can't I do that when I'm awake? No wonder I always feel tired, I'm pulling double duty. Is there something wrong with me?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Extremely Casual Fridays

Every year Southern puts on a school spirit week which is never much of a smashing success. In part I blame in on the fact that we are adults with jobs outside of class, and taking the time to de-craze our hair or un-retro ourselves, is just a bit of a hassle. I admit, tho school spirit day in highschool was what I lived for, I barely acknowledge it's presence here. Except for the one day that I keep quite religiously--pajama day. Unfortunately I ran into the issue of work as well. Attire at the office is all of a professional type. Many important people come in and out during the day so we must dress accordingly. Though it would take more work, I decided on bringing a change of clothes and wearing my PJ's for the rest of the day.

Stepping out of the elevator at work, clad in my polka dot PJ's and brightly striped slippers with pom poms, I ran straight into my boss Tricia who gave me the oddest look. "Don't worry, I'm going to go change" I quickly said.Her answer however was "why? Keep them on!" Sweeeeeeeet. I must add that the extreme excitement I felt in being able to wear PJ's to work did not take time to realize the psychological ramifications that would follow. You just feel funny walking down the halls among people in full business attire as if you are caught in a nightmare and EVERYBODY is staring at you.

I was standing in Tricia's office going through some files when President Bietz and a faculty member walked in. I looked up to find Dr. Bietz staring at me. I smiled to myself and kept working, only to look up at him again and find he was still staring at me, obviously confused. This time I decided to smile but offered no explanation. He gave me a quirky smile in return and slowly turned back to what he was doing.

Walking out of the office I was followed by our illustrious VP, Dr Young who is business in human form. I could just feel him staring at me and when I went into my office his eyes stayed on my feet. Minutes later Tricia walks into my office giggling. "guess what just happened?!" Apparently Dr Young had walked up to Tricia and in absolute seriousness and graveness sought the information on his mind. (I encourage you to meditate on the mental picture here)

Leaning in he quitely asked, "is our student worker wearing her pajamas?" Puffing up her chest and smiling as if there wasn't a reason in the world that this would be odd, Tricia answered "yes she sure is!" Dr Young let this sink in, furrowed his brow, and proceeded with a simple "why?" Tricia explained to which he replied "oh" and retreated into his office. He must have thought we were all losing our collective minds. Though there were many opportunities to say something to me about the situation he never did but instead chose to never acknowledge my presence. You can't really blame him. Besides, by this point all he would have had to do was look at me and I would have burst out laughing.

Here's to living extremely casual friday's to their fullest.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Missions Weekend

This last week at school was student missions emphasis week. Each day the department did something different like handing out doughnuts on the Promenade or all wearing our shirts... etc. Friday night we all marched in with the different flags of the world and had a special vespers. It was really quite fun.

Everybody standing in the atrium waiting.

Grace and Robbie. Robbie went to highschool with us way back in the day.

Always together. Doesn't get much better than that.

Sara and I. She was a task force dean last year too. Can you tell I felt a little like Miss America? A girls dream come true without even trying lol.

Then sabbath afternoon was spent at the Missions expo where students put together booths to try and recruit for the places they went to. This the deaning booth. Desmond was a chaplain but his booth was next to ours. Between the two booths there was a good ten of us that just had a ton of fun all afternoon.

This is Grace's booth. I wish you could have seen the whole place. They do it in the student center and it's really really colorful with a big blown up globe in the center. It just makes you want to go out and be a missionary tomorrow.

Then came Saturday night in which I was determined to do something fun. Grace was off carving pumpkins with the Chemistry dept and I was feeling inspired so we went to get a pumpkin from walmart...and some stuff to make cookies with.

(This is the pumpkin Grace and Sarah carved. Isn't it the coolest ever? It's Noah's Ark!)

On our way out the door we met this little guy. His name is Rocky, raised by one of the guys in the village. I've always wanted to hold a squirrel.

To make a long story short, while waiting for tanya to pick out a puzzle, which took 16 years, I kind of killed the pumpkin.

That's right, split the thing dead in half... on accident. Got it for free tho, they wouldn't let me pay for it. Anybody know some good pumpkin recipes since it's lost it's ability to be a pumpkin head?

After making myself what turned out to be amazing gluten free cookies from scratch (Grace wasn't sure if they were gluten free or not they tasted so amazing. how great is that!?) We watched Monster's Inc and put together the puzzle. Katelyn was there too but for some reason she didn't make it into any of the pictures.

Yep, it's of Las Vegas. It took tanya that long to pick out this puzzle mostly because she couldn't decide if it was OK to buy a puzzle of "sin city" even tho it was her favorite lol. So we sorta stayed up...extremely late doing this because we were almost done for 1 1/2 hrs.

Some areas were just a little bit harder then we thought.