Wednesday, August 27, 2008

twas the night before school

Twas the night before school would begin, and all through the house
Not a student was excited, not even the pet mouse.
The books were stacked, on their desks with great care,
In hopes that they would never have to move from there.

The students were each tossing, and turning in their beds,
With nightmares of papers and projects dancing through their heads.
Glaring professors who stood over 12 feet tall,
Yelled, "multiple choice, short answer,and essay, please answer, yes answer, these questions, 900 in all!"

Straight up in their beds they sprang with a clatter,
As into their heads, sank in the seriousness of the matter.
Tomorrow they'd lose their freedom for sure
But their parents had said education was the best thing money could procure.
And so they rolled back into bed with a sigh
Knowing that the first day of school, would soon be drawing nigh.

Thank you, thank you very much. I wrote it myself. Just practicing for tomorrow i guess. Can I just say, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!! aaaaand I'm done. gonna go watch a movie and enjoy my last night of freedom.


Ryan and Jaclyn said...

Wow, I'm very impressed, compressed, depressed... But I must say... I'm SOOOO excited that I don't have to go to school for the first time in 20 years!

Carrie said...

you're hilarious

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. Wish I could come up with such stuff.

Anonymous said...

Uh, ugliness, sickness, dastardliness, ashaymedness...


Anonymous said...

The problem to which the previous entry posits? School papers, tests, exams, quizes, deadlines, ickness....


MJ said...

You's a poet! I like it. I hope your every class will be breezey, no, challening for such a scholar as you. You need to be sure to get your money's worth now!