Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So I came back from work to find my housemates happily living in a sauna. You know, you expect to feel some difference from the outdoors, and alright, I guess there was, it's pretty nasty outside. However, even after letting myself acclimate to my surroundings, it just wasn't getting better. So I meandered over to the AC unit and found that it was set at 77.

Maybe I'm just an odd breed but I happen to like my house just a bit cooler. Especially when I'm sleeping. What's the point of covers if it's too hot to use them? I ask them if they're hot and they look at me very unsympathetically and tell me they aren't even close. So much for sending Tanya to an overheated island, and grace... well she's always liked her room at a nice toasty 85.

If I die of heat stroke, I loved you all.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

sorry. jaclyn and i sympathize with you. we had thermostat wars in southern village also.