Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yearbook signing....

I remember in grade school all it was was name signing. First of all, you were lucky if you could even read the signature, but if you got a heart of a star by the name, that really meant something. Freshmen year of high school it got a little bit more elaborate with the, "hey it was great getting to know you, have a nice summer." I find myself wanting to use those lines at times in addition to others because I really do mean them...but they've been ruined. One that made me giggle this year was, "Hi Dean Stephanie, How are you doing?" I need to go back and sign hers with an "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

As I grew older the notes got longer and longer. I even had certain key things I did in each one, like CLASS OF 2005 FOREVER! But they started to encompass memories and those are the ones that I cherish. I love to still go back and read those. Who needs to know how great I was? I want to remember the memories and inside jokes--the things that made the school year what it truly was.

Now as a staff member it's a new kind of yearbook signing. I find myself wanting to say so much to my girls. Tell them how wonderful they are and how I know they can do anything they put their minds to. That I know they have a rough life and I wish I could take it from them. And how does one tell them that the discipline you put them through was because you loved them and wanted the best for them? It breaks my heart to know that they will be leaving here to go and mess up their lives somewhere.

But on the reverse side their messages to me have been irreplaceable. They show me that everything I have tried to do has meant something, maybe just to them, but I'll take that one. Some of the the girls that I have fought with all year let me know that they truly appreciate me and love me! There was one that said I'd gotten them started reading a certain book of the bible. That is THE best compliment I could ever have.

It all just makes me want to cry, especially because it's almost over. Some of my girls are leaving me today. Last night was the last study hall I'll ever run. I've grown to love this job and everything about it, even tho I've been disciplining right up to the last moment. These girls mean so much to me, and I really hope they know it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Pisgah is almost over and it's the most depressing thing I've ever heard.

Rosa, my housemate, and I at Friendship Commitment
The Josh and I...he was the other assistant dean this year.
My senior girls
Do you see why I love this job??
Sharon's dog Kelsey was always a willing recipient of any type of attention.

The Deans
These shorts are too short young lady!

Classic Shawntez
"Another dorm fight? I'll be right there." Even in the last few days I've been dealing with discipline. Funny how it doesn't bother me anymore.
This is where they hang out when they all should be in their rooms at lights out.
Esther and Na Young
Joy and Haruka
Carrina and Tiffany
My three stooges.
Girls Club Store

Jackie and Maggie, home sweet home

The groupies

Studying in the closet when the power went out because for some reason that was the only part of their room that had light.

Anna RAing

Yessica and Antonella

Friday, May 02, 2008

Father Not Included

Asheville is known, among other things, for it's extremely high percentage of gay and lesbian residents. We may be as high on the list as second or third most populated in the country if I do remember correctly. For this reason most people are able to correctly assume that when one sees a couple of the same sex taking a stroll through the mall, they are probably...."together." I know, because I am guilty of it. However when the joke is on you, it becomes somewhat of problem.

Callie and I decided to get some fresh air off campus today and stopped by Cheddars for lunch. We were sitting in the lobby area, Abby in between us, waiting for a table, when a lady came by and began to coo and aww at Abby. Standing up she says as she walks away, "She's adorable! Good for you both!" Now in any other city one could assume that she was confused as to which one of us was the mother. But let me just dare to venture that this was not her problem. Need I continue?

Strolling through Sam's club a bit later it came to my attention that Callie and I had somehow both begun to push the shopping cart together. Not a big deal really until the realization struck. I looked at Callie and said, "Yeah this uhh looks a bit like we're a lesbian couple eh?" GAAAAH! Horror! Two sets of hands come flying off the handle. Abby slowly continues rolling down the isle in the cart while we stand staring at each other in disgust, not sure what just happened and completely at a loss as to what to do about it. Remembering that we have forgotten something we both surge for the cart. Like hands touching a hot stove they both come back off. Gah! Her hand goes on, mine goes off, mine goes back on, her's goes off. I hold up both hands in complete and total surrender, "she's all yours, eh heh heh." Tho slightly shaken, shopping continues.

This moment brought to you by the City of Asheville, and a big fat letter L.