Friday, March 14, 2008


First view of the island! That's the Saint George end I believe. It's twenty two miles long but will take you probably two hours to get across it.

This was our major means of transportation. in general we kept them much more crowded then this. At one point we had to fit all 60 of us in one of these.

If you can tell, the roads are VERY narrow. You have inches of space. They have to regulate the size of cars there. By law they also have to keep them looking almost brand new. Basically the whole island is very kept up. Everything is very kept up. the houses are all brightly painted and I really can't think of any run down buildings.
All of our luggage

everything on the island is imported. Even their water. They have no way of purifying salt water so they depend on the rain and what is imported. 11 bucks for a gallon of milk, 7.25 a gallon for gas, found a T-shirt, yes just a t-shirt, for 40 bucks. I'm standing the the grocery store parking lot on the main road. and this is just a random field. They are scattered around in odd places in attempt to grow some things.

Charles took Nancy and I shopping for groceries.

the staff lived in the living room and dining room and pile our things in a corner. you couldn't even get to your suitcase. Claustrophobic doesn't even begin to describe.
the sky produced a rainbow within the first few hours of arrival.

The view out our front door

Getting some sun.
The SDA school where we did some workshops and performed for their week of prayer.
In the windows at Warwick church. (can you tell this is an english colony? sometimes it sounds like you are living in the UK)
Moped parking
Our group
The conference office

Horseshoe Bay known for it's pink sand.

I believe this is a Man-O-War.

The living room
Attempting to play PIT. I won...for the record. but it really wasn't much of an accomplishment.

mainly because they WOULDN'T PICK UP A SPOON!!!! even when told.

At the bus stop

Washing uniforms....


Surfs Up said...

Wow, some awesome views of the water! How long were you there?

Anonymous said...

The water looks so pretty. Guess there are some perks to your job. THe baby is cute with so much hair.