Friday, March 14, 2008

Bermuda Part 2

We had originally planned to have two service days for the kids but it turned out to be a mess. In the end, I and two other staff/parents went out and did some of it for them since they couldn't make it due to a performance and a bus schedule that is very sketchy.

It was pretty hard work. Pulling up bushes and trees.

Mrs. Zule made us lemonade. She as really great. Really the whole thing turned out to be rather fun.
I have a new favorite food. Loquats. If you can tell me how to get them in the states I will love you forever. Very hard to describe. Like a cross between and orange and a mango maybe??? Basically they are just amazing and I ate a ton of them. The tree was rather wounded.

One of their two lighthouses. I think the queen of england came to visit this one.

the view was really great but you can't even begin to capture it in a picture. just like most everything else.

The Clocktower Mall at the Royal Navy Dockyard used heavily in World War 1
This is Messina House where we stayed. Right on the water.

We rented a boat and took it out on a tour and swam some too. at least the brave did.

Our illustrious principal
This is the sunken ship Vixon. Apparently they sunk it on purpose to block the bay. Our guide said it was the worst ship ever built anyway. It was built to ram but couldn't ever get up enough speed to even do anything.

A couple of my girls in the stocks in Saint George which is the historical end.

Living was rather primitive. Rigging up a mirror in any corner was rather common.
One of the girl's rooms. 35 girls, two bathrooms, NO space. You felt like you were living on top of people. And forget about getting into a bathroom. It's amazing I didn't end up with a bladder infection.
meal time

This is where I hung out quite a bit. The staff usually congregated in the kitchen and I could actually sit down. Words cannot describe how crowded we were.

Eileen eats breakfast

The Cathedral downtown.

We even got to put on a performance there. Kinda cool really.

Giving them some instructions before letting them lose... I took a group of kids to the aquarium/zoo.

This is a hog fish. I couldn't believe this actually existed.

Thought it rather interesting that this guy was growing a garden on his back.

Seal feeding time.

A massive sea turtle. This was was in captivity but we actually got to see one this big out on one of our Ferry rides.
Sun burn woes
The Ferry stop in Hamilton
last sunrise
The long ride home. We left Messina House at 11 am and didn't fly into Charlotte til after 12 am. There was only 4-5 hours of actual flying time in that too. I have seen enough of the airport for quite awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super dooper gal. I looked at your pics on the home computer too. Lots of excellent pics, memories,fun