I am almost embarrassed to write this particular blog. If I were you I don’t really know that I’d come to my house. But maybe you’ll love me anyway. It’s only ancient faculty housing, if that makes it any better.
A new war has been declared in my house. This time against a much smaller enemy, but I would almost argue more a difficult one. While I was gone to Collegedale last week Rosa texted me with the news of an ant infestation. I did not realize the seriousness of the situation tho until I arrived home.
Upon first encountering one of these little boogers, I stood in shock at their size. I had been expecting the dust molecule type. My shock quickly turned to anger however and I began to stomp like mad. In mid stomp the guy would run right out from under my foot! I mean he was unkillable! 8 stomps later I decided it was time to bring out the big guns--the stomp and sliiiiiide. Quite sure I had won, I lifted my foot to find little hitler slighlty crumpled but still kicking and quickly unraveling himself! At this point it would have probably been proper to bow and kiss his feet while handing over a purple heart AND the medal of honor but, yeah, no. Instead I gave him a moment to think about his actions while I paused to pick my jaw up off the floor; took a flying leap and smashed him as hard as I could, then finished it off with a little bit of the hokey pokey, if you know what I mean. I assume that in the absence of a crushed black body, he most likely went into the rubber replacement business.
Watching TV with Rosa this afternoon went something like...
"hey Stephanie there’s one" *rips off shoe* wham Wham! WHam!! WHAm! WHAM!!!! WHAM!!!!! WHAM!!!! WHAAAAAAM! *Throws shoe across the room.*
"aah! There they go again!" WHAM! "Hey! Hole in one! How’d you do that?"
"Hey Rosa get that one! eewww wait! Don’t kill it with that!!!" (we’d run out of shoes)
I almost stomped one in bare feet this afternoon. *shudders* Thank goodness I caught that disaster.
As of this moment I have been unable to go to my friendly neighborhood store full of extermination tools, but when I do, mark my words, it’s gonna be ant christmas at my house!