Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

In light of the fact that A: we're moving the day after Christmas and B: I'm working for Christmas this year, (don't worry it actually worked out best that way. They aren't making me a slave.) I decided that I had to have some sort of Christmas in my apartment. So we stole one of the dorm trees and bought ornaments.
It's a themed tree. Red and white candy cane! I LOVE it.
We have silver snow flake bulbs too.
Hands down (no pun intended) these are my favorite.

Now just go ahead and admit it... I have the coolest tree EVER.


Anonymous said...

Now that's some serious blogging! Thanks for spending the time. Great shots!

Surfs Up said...

An awesome tree for sure!! I still haven't put mine up yet with only 9 days til Christmas!! Terrible!!