Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Apparently I have bad luck. Well I always knew this but... yeah.

Tuesday evening I went to go get my hair cut. It was about shoulder length or a little longer and desperately needing some layers. So I had waited til I could come back home to my hairdresser of 6 years. I told her not to cut much off the bottom, just put some layers in and to keep them fairly long because I wanted to be able to pull my hair back. She said she'd keep it moderate, even showed me how short she would go. After a few snips I was able to look in the mirror and found she had totally lied to me, but there was nothing I could do about it anymore.
Does this look moderate to you? 1 1/2 inches at the neck and I can't get any of it back. *glare* The girls are now calling me Shirley Temple. lovely, just lovely.

In other news, I came home to a clogged kitchen sink. When Sharon opened the counter doors to look at it, the thing exploded all over her. Looks like it was a rigged system in the first place, just waiting to break. After mopping to floor up Rosa started to take the water out when she managed to dump it out again, except this time, all over the living room carpet. So my house is drenched and I have no kitchen at the moment.

And tho I'm sure you'd love to hear more of my misfortunes I'll leave it at that.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Setting the mood with candles...
Ehh... Yeah right.
The Iversons, Heilman, and soon to be Heilman came!
Thanksgiving offering to the gods...or is it just to Dad?
Talking....talking...and more talking...
Applications to date my daughter cause a lot of this reaction. Heaven help me.

Desert after a nice settling period of 3 hours.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Circuit Riding

This weekend I got to be the lucky sponsor for the circuit riding group. Excuse me while I am proud of myself for a moment, but just to add some excitement, this is what Dean Stephanie got to drive in downtown Charlotte, sometimes at night.
Ross did an amazing job preaching. Even used the Greek context to bring out his points. I was very impressed.

After two church services we crashed the Knight's house for the afternoon. Valerie made some amazing salsa and guacamole for the occasion.
I finally got to meet the famous Maximus, and yeah I'd have to agree. He's a pretty fantastic dog.
Stanley brought out some black mail baby photos. Always fun.

Saturday evening we did a vespers program at Charlotte Sharon.

The Saga of a Mouse

A few weeks ago, a mouse was spotted in my house. I found him cute and thought he might make a nice pet. Rosa, on the other hand, felt entirely different about it however. Whereas I was deciding on cute mouse names she decided his name was "dead." My side took a decided loss after a dreadful experience of it keeping her standing on the couch for an extended period of time. Of course she decided it MUST go. By the time I had returned to the house, mouse traps were in place.

We had fought about this earlier. I was very much opposed to the conventional breaking the neck types of traps. I had heard of a nice trap that they walked into, and it closed behind them and you never even saw them. But Rosa decided that it would be the glue trap that was purchased. To this day I do not understand for the life of me why A: they would make this trap and B: why anyone would buy it. The trap is designed to attract the mouse to it with food, and if the mouse steps on the trap instead of eating the peanut butter from the side which is quite possible, then it becomes stuck to the trap. The food contains no poison as I understood it, but perhaps it does. So OK, you've trapped it, the thing is stuck.... Now what? You have to pick it up with the thing still alive? and do what with it? Pull it off and set it free? Or let it just sit there stuck for the rest of it's life? Rosa however said she had it all figured out so I washed my hands of it and secretly hoped that the mouse was of the Einstein variety.

And for a few days it seemed like he would be. 3 days turned up no evidence of the little guy. One morning however I found a trap to be minus the food and minus the mouse. I triumphantly relayed this to Rosa who found it rather disturbing...but what can I say? It made my day.

The next morning I was taking a shower when I hear Rosa yelling at me. Shutting off the water I was able to comprehend that poor "mr. dead" had been glued. For the next five minutes my once peaceful shower was disturbed by my screaming housemate and a screaming mouse and the screaming of the dorm residents. As I heard later she had gotten one of the boys to come and pick it up, put it in a plastic bag, and throw it in the dumpster. What a way to die. Poor mr dead had to spend his last hours, stuck to a piece of plastic, suffocating inside a bag, amidst the dorm trash. I hope he had lived a long and prosperous life, and that those that still remain have learned from his martyrdom.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Dean's Prayer

~ A crying girl comes to my office. What family that hasn't abandoned her, decides to show their love through abuse....God give me understanding and wisdom to know what to say. Give her the strength that only you can give.

~ It's five minutes before worship begins and I've had no time to even think about preparing....God help me to know what these girls need to hear. Give me the words that make a difference so that this worship isn't just like all of the others.

~ After a day off I walk back into the dorm to a flood of girls, ready and waiting with hugs and "we missed yous!" ...God thank you for these girls that keep me going no matter what.

~ A tearful staff meeting ends in a student's expulsion....God thank you for this staff and how much they care for these kids. Thank you for being with us today as we made this decision. Please take care of this student as they continue on in life. Don't let them forget the things we've tried to teach him and that you are always there for him.

~ The phone rings and it's two excited girls wanting me to come out and get my car washed for their junior class fund raiser.... God I don't have much money to give but please bless this fund raiser and keep them this excited about life.

~ Substitute teaching and we can't find our books or uniform shirts...God please help me to treat these kids with respect and remember that I was in their place once.

~ 6 am phone call from an upset girl whom I'd written up the night before....God I'm not awake yet and I've only had 5 hours of sleep. Give me a clear mind and the right words to show her that I love her but that what she did was wrong.

~ An afternoon visit to my office to share the latest news on the latest crush...God keep this child's heart from breaking and this smile on her face.

~Driving the big 15 passenger shuttle full of screaming and laughing kids.... God please send a few extra angels to help me drive today.

~ Late night talks in the deans office that turn into pure laughter....God thank your for giving me these girls and the most wonderful job on earth.