Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 days of christmas countdown

Christmas is coming amazingly fast. Since I got back from Thanksgiving it's been one event after another first of which being putting up my measly Christmas tree.

I probably should invest in an angel.

Then there was Christmas on the promenade. Sarah and Grace made friends with Santa Clause. He appears delighted.
And Thursday night of this week, different Southern groups, the fire dept, and the community kitchen teamed up to put on a party for some kids. You know like those ones that you hear about in story books where Santa comes in on a fire truck? Well he did. I went with Phi Alpha which is the Social Work Honor Society.

Grace, Jodi, and I ran the ornament making station.

This little boy would yell YAY!!! and clap enthusiastically every time I successfully put a dot of glitter glue where he would tell me to. There were some great kids. The coolest thing all night tho was this family, two boys and a girl, whose names were Romeo, Casanova, and Bella.

1 comment:

MJ said...

It's great that your department and others at SAU did something for Christmas for some underprivileged kids. That's what it's all about. I like your little Xmas tree. It must be in your bedroom, or else I just missed it when I peeked in your front door tonight.