So, here's the house in it's ugly state still. People have been asking so I complied. That coffee table grace got for eight bucks. Rather great eh? The table in the corner needs some major help with a table cloth or something...needed a place to put it. The rest of the furniture comes with the place. You can tell by all the clutter we're still trying to get pictures up and find homes for things. Especially in the Kitchen, organization is proving interesting. We've got enough space it's just, well think about having four different people with their different food and ways of cooking.
But I'm loving having an apartment instead of a dorm room. Don't know if I can totally explain why but it's just more like having a home to go to away from the school. Not cramped in a 4x4 trying to eat, sleep, and study. I have a couch!!! Waking up in the morning to three other people cooking in the kitchen is much nicer then plodding to the local cafeteria and slapping food on your to-go tray. Takes a lot more time tho. Everything over here takes a lot more time. Like the fact that it takes me 15 minutes to get to class (if I'm walking). There's no point in driving and riding my bike is still a little hot. I'm enjoying the walking tho. Nice time to slow down and get some exercise.
Anyway, there it is... Hope the video works for you. Never tried this before.
But I'm loving having an apartment instead of a dorm room. Don't know if I can totally explain why but it's just more like having a home to go to away from the school. Not cramped in a 4x4 trying to eat, sleep, and study. I have a couch!!! Waking up in the morning to three other people cooking in the kitchen is much nicer then plodding to the local cafeteria and slapping food on your to-go tray. Takes a lot more time tho. Everything over here takes a lot more time. Like the fact that it takes me 15 minutes to get to class (if I'm walking). There's no point in driving and riding my bike is still a little hot. I'm enjoying the walking tho. Nice time to slow down and get some exercise.
Anyway, there it is... Hope the video works for you. Never tried this before.