One of my many bosses, Joylynn, was off on DEEP retreat this weekend so I got to babysit her baby.

Kay Dee is the most lovable dog. She's a mix. I think part Samoyed. We've spent a lot of time walking. Saturday afternoon I took her to Coolidge in the back of my bosses Saturn Vue, Kay Dee's personal (dogonal?) transportation vehicle. It was kind of weird driving a manual SUV.
We ended up getting kicked out of Coolidge Park because they don't apparently allow dogs there. You only see 10 of them every time you go, and 5 as I was leaving. So we crossed the river to the city side where they apparently do.

Saturday night was the cardboard boat race. 20 teams got an hour and a half to build a boat out of cardboard and duct tape. The team that got the most laps before sinking got 200 bucks.
They had some great names. FedEx, The Titanic, The Black Pearl...

For those of you that know him, that's Cory Goodwin in the pink pants. Their team was called the Yellow Submarine. It lived up to its submergible status. They were the first ones to go down. :( in the first heat that is. Some went down almost as soon as they hit water.

This is Team "eh" They were a Canadian team. I am ashamed to say that it took me over an hour to realize why they were named that. I apologize to the Canadian nation. For those of you that don't understand think "Brother Bear and the Canadian Moose."

This team, "Red Bud 7" tied for first. The boats that lasted the longest had put boxes, inside of boxes, inside of boxes. A small tip for you in case you ever want to race a cardboard boat.

The crew switched, they still keep going... Sonya is in the middle of yelling, "I'll never let go Jack! I'll never let go!" they were pretty tired.

The energizer bunny would be proud. However the boat was dead and they are preparing for the grand finale.
The event was a hit... For all that sinking nobody died. Some are thinking of making this an annual event. Probably a good idea.