Monday, July 24, 2006

Interesting Life

So I've decided that cars are a tad bit dangerous. Saturday night Jen was standing talking to me in our drive way when all of the sudden I notice that her headlights are moving towards me. Yeah that's right her car was rolling. Stephanie played superman and sprang into the rolling car and hit the breaks. I could just see the car hitting either us or my mom's car behind us.

THEN the killer... I was driving back (in the right lane) to camp when all of the sudden I noticed a car coming up on me. His back bumper was about at my head and he was probably inches away. I slammed on my breaks, swerved, and hit the horn but he just kept going. I mean he went all the way off the road. He hit that strip thing and that's when I got it. He had been sleeping. He over corrected and went back in front of me and a semi, went in to the median and started spinning, probably missed a tree by about a foot. If he'd hit the tree he would have been in some serious pain. I ended up calling 911 which I have never done before so that was an experience. Desmond said he saw the car coming close to us before I did and wondered what I was doing and Jonathan woke up when I swerved on to the strip thing wondering why I couldn't stay on the road. I see they both have confidence in my driving! :)

Got back and watched a movie, laughed the whole way through it. Then about 10 of us played slave. Never played it before but it's pretty fun actually. I managed to be King twice.

Telemarketers.... I had one call this morning. Most annoying guy I've ever talked to in my life. He wanted me to say that I was the business manager, which I'm not, so he probably asked me "but you are the business manager aren't you? you are in charge right?" about ten times. He had confidential information apparently. Yeah whatever. Finally i gave him to Glenn who got rid of him, only for him to call back 20 min later and go through the whole process again. "NO! I'M NOT THE BUSINESS MANAGER!" hmmmmm

1 comment:

Ryan and Jaclyn said...

Aren't you glad you were standing out there instead of inside the house! Sometimes driving is far too exciting. I'm counting down the days til you get back!