I would like to take the time to respond to the comments that I received regarding my blog on religions. First of all let me just make mention of my shock in seeing that so many people had come across it.
I would be interested in knowing how this was done.
Furthermore, it was not my intention to offend, however that in itself is a dumb statement. How could it be anything but offensive? I therefore apologize for poor judgment on my part. For those of you that were kind enough (and I do mean kind enough because I truly appreciate your comments) to leave me your thoughts, I sincerely hope that you will take time to read my further comments—a clarification if you will.
First of all, the thoughts and opinions stated should be in no way traced back to my professor or my university.
He has given a comprehensive summary of the religions of the world and has never uttered, and would never utter, an opinion as to the rightness or wrongness of a religion, though it has been somewhat compared to our own religion in a measurement of differences and similarities. All conclusions were left to the student.
Please understand that I could write a blog equal to the previous one on my own religion. My church and the people in it are normal, sinful, human beings with their own idiosyncrasies, many of which do not make sense.
As one of you pointed out, yes, we have October 22, 1844 as a significant day in our history. Yes, an extremely embarrassing moment as it would seem. But without getting into extreme detail let me just say that we had the right date, but the wrong event. The world did not end on October 22
I am a follower of and a believer in God. This has nothing to do with my religion, though my religion has everything to do with it. Allow me to explain.
In my life time I have had access to the Holy Bible.
I am an analytical person. In my study I have found that the stories in this book can be proven to have actually occurred by historical artifacts and writings, not only in the religious world but in the secular one as well. Therefore, if I am able to prove its validity then I can further conclude that all stories in the bible are factual and that all writings in the Bible are to be believed and followed. This is not comprehensive in any way. However, I am trying to be somewhat concise and would welcome further questions and comments if you have them.
The Bible portrays God as being the creator of the world, which again, though all may not look at the scientific facts as I do, can be proven.
I personally find comfort in knowing that my beliefs are based not only on a founder, but on the author and finisher of my life. Not only is He my God, someone to be revered and worshipped, but He is also my teacher, comforter, and personal friend.
He is the end of all suffering.
These beliefs require some belief in the supernatural as well.
To explain how I understand it to be in existence would be quite extensive, but I will answer it in this way. God says through the Bible many times to search Him, ask Him questions, observe his miracles and know that He is God. I have searched and asked many questions, and have found without a doubt, that He is God.
It comes down to this, I have fallen in love with my God. To explain the reasons why would take books. It is because of my love for Him that I endeavor to follow the Bible—His instructions for my life. This, is why I am a Seventh-day Adventist. Because I believe that they follow the Bible closer than any other religion I know. Through this
community of believers we study and learn together. But in all honesty, if I feel that my church goes against ANYTHING that I find in the Bible, I can promise you that I would look to God first, and my religion second.
It is for these reasons that I have come to love my religion as well as my God. In my comments on Judaism, let me just say that, believe me or not it is a religion that I have come to love.
Their ways and beliefs are God inspired and good. What I was trying to say is that my God has freed me from having to go through sacrifices that were once necessary, and I personally cannot thank Him enough for His sacrifice. I do not mean to condemn if your belief is otherwise. If you felt like I was implying that Jews were not going to Heaven, I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I have NEVER thought that. In fact I believe that there will be many peoples of many religions in heaven. In my studies of Judaism I have read that they believe that the Jewish Messiah will bring them back together as a people in Jerusalem where they can return to sacrifices, in contrast to the Messiah I know that ended sacrifices with His ultimate sacrifice,
and will bring us to heaven. I also understand that the Jewish people believe in a form of heaven but this I was not completely clear on.
This blog was not meant to be a blog to the masses in which I downed everyone's religion. I was simply sharing how glad I was to be a member of my church but unfortunately my method was very faulty. The class that I am taking would have to be one of my absolute favorites, not because I can sit and laugh at them, as you may be thinking, but because I find them to be fascinating.
My religion, based on the words of my God, has given me a peace and a joy for life that goes beyond nothing I have ever experienced and it is my sincere hope that you find a joy equal to my own, and if it be in another religion or no religion at all, then so be it.