Sunday, July 06, 2008


When I first heard our numbers for teen camp I was thrilled. Then the numbers kept growing and growing and growing and I started to become scared. Walking into the cafeteria this evening I decided that I was definitely not feeling it. Yeah 160 is double what we usually have and should be great but I can't move once I get in the cafeteria, much less breathe. Forget getting seconds, it may take hours to get firsts.

Brent and I have to sign up all of these kids for four activites per day, plus put it in the computer. It required an hour of kids pushing the table into me, screaming what they wanted, grabbing for their stickers, whining about their choices and basically making me lose my mind. Then add certain staff that felt like their need needed to be taken care of NOW!

Coming in to the office to put all of it in the computer I found tons of staff hanging out and being very loud about it. So my dilemma would be to scream back at them to shut up? or take it. I was boiling inside. Finally between Brent giving them a clue and isaac seeing the pleading in my eyes to help me get them to leave they left.

I'm feeling very overwhelmed. I don't want to be around anybody. I'm on person overload. I've seen way too many of them today. Let me tell you, it's hard for me to have too much of people, but I've had it. Whatever happened to peaceful calm Nosoca, away from the pressures of the world?

Ad staff have now gathered in the office and are having a delightful little talk but every added decibel of noise is making me cringe. I'm going to go take a long hot shower.


Surfs Up said...

Sounds like a blast Stephanie. You are staying busy it sounds like as Amy would say!

Carrie said...

I hope you have a day off in your future.

Cat Whispers said...

We had over 350 + 80 staff at Camp AuSable one week. We almost had to eat in shifts. Hope things calm down. I definitly know what its like having everybody wanting something from you NOW! I have learned to prioritize people. The patient, then the doctor, then the office manager, then other people, then the phone. Take a number and get in line already!