Staff worship is probably either the best or the worst time of the day. Since Rick has been up since 5 am and we need to pack a lot into the day, it's usually at an ungodly time of the morning. I usually stumble in, just barely able to keep my eyes open even tho I've already had to be up for a half hour.
Song service is always the first thing on the agenda. Songs are usually on the upbeat side to try to wake us up. There's walka walka, in which Rick (who is wide awake) tries to kick chairs on purpose, while the rest of us are groggily trying to keep our toes from being smashed into the carpet. Then comes "every little cell," which is decidedly the most annoying song ever, mostly because I'm being forced to sing lies. One must dance around and fling their arms while singing "every little cell in my body is happy, every little cell in my body is well." Let me just state that this is NOT the case, but if one does not oblige, they may find themselves singled out to show how happy their cells are. That being said, I do enjoy watching rick's crazy man dance. And finally, the all time winner-- "making melodies." When this song is sung, ad staff all magically have something to do or a radio call to attend to. Rick even refuses to sing it. It's father abraham times 600: pinkie's out, thumbs up, elbows out, knees bent, head back, tongue out, spin around...shoot me in the face.
At this point staff are flying through the doors in an attempt to make it in before the song service is over and probation closes. If you don't make it in before the last note you are late and NOBODY wants to be late. If you're smart you'll time it so you miss most of wake up session song service but still get in on time.
Meanwhile the rest of us are glad that's over and we settle in for a short worship talk. Sunday morning we always pray for the requests that campers have given us on prayer cards during the weekend. It's always a really special time.
Finally come work assignments. Then, lead by josh and brent, we all start to slowly clap in unison, growing faster and faster until josh yells "what time is it!?" and we answer "it's go time!" which grows and grows in strength until we end in "goooooo NOSOCA!" alright now we're awake. Rick tells us to be careful out there and sends us on our way.
Ok, so it's the best time of the day.